Ladies, what do you think of this men's swimsuit?

วันเสาร์ที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
What do you think of this swimsuit?

In case it matters, I'm slender, toned and tan. Thanks!

uh, NO!!! WAAAY too tight.


All I can say is gross. That does not even look like a bathing suit. Please try wearing bathing suits that actually look like a bathing suit. JUST SO YOU KNOW I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE.

That's hot, you should buy it.

I don´t know what the big deal looks ok to me..

I don't think it looks all that bad ;it all depends on the man. though.

I think it shows to much. Leave a little something to the imagination!

It is fine for swimming, but I vote no for hanging out or doing anything other than being in the water.

Not good in America. Maybe in other parts of the world this is fine, but here, board shorts or something similiar is always better.

I think it's too much...if you're a professional swimmer then buy them but if you are just hanging out by the pool or at the beach than it's just too controversial, buy a normal one and have fun!

NO I DO NOT LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

never,ever,ever,ever,ever wear spedos they are UGLY sorry. :(

its hot, and if youre hot, then go buy it and be all the hotness you want.


dont yah think its a little bit expesive for a tiny peice of fabric? and for a second there, i thought you were gonna ask us if the green suit that BORAT wore would look good on you. srry my "hunches" are weird.

I think that men's swimsuits should come down to the middle of the thigh and not be so tight.

I hate those kinds. you should get the swim shorts unless your on a swim team then I guess you'll have to choose it.

Does anyone know if theres any shops or stores (not online) for alloy?

วันศุกร์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
its not a tire place or anything its teens, womens, and some mens apparel and i just wanna know where it is so i dont have to order a swimsuit and if it doesnt fit, i wont get to trade it in for another one.. and makeup and stuff.

No, there isn't. I love that place too, though. Do they have men's stuff? I don't think so..

I need sweatpants with no seam in front for men?

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
why do sweatpants have seam in front crotch area on the mens version its so unconfortable do i need to buy womans sweatpants ? and why dosnt walmart sell speedo style swimsuits

dude you could try womens sweatpants, anythng goes and walmart does sell speedos!

How do you wear boardshorts for IN and OUT of water??? (check out additional details)?

วันพุธที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
Ok, so i need a new bathing suit and found boardshorts. I noticed they can be worn in and out of water but i have a few ?'s. First, if they are worn for swimming, since they don't have a mesh underwear type thing does it make it easier for people to see your package? I don't wear underwear when swimming but idk how these should be worn. Am i supposed to wear them with underwear or boxers when i go swimming? i know when i am not i should wear underwear but idk about swimming. (i wear boxer briefs) here are two styles that i like. you tell me.

One has an inside mesh but not in the regular brief style of swimsuits but in a fully lined style.

I had a look at the 2 boardshorts, and both have a fully-lined inner mesh. Clearly, neither is meant to be worn with anything underneath. As to which one is better, it's up to you as to which style you feel more comfortable with. I'd go for a nylon boardshort rather than one with cotton) as it's more likely to dry quicker. Whether others will see your package depends on whether the material becomes see-thru when wet: neither looks to be in that category, so there should be no prbs in that respect.

Check out this post:

Yeah, you'd want to wear boxers for either one to be safe and comfortable.

I prefer a speedo under my board shorts (if I'm going to be doing any water sports like wakeboarding- since falls can pull the shorts down- and they dry better). Otherwise, boxers / boxer-briefs are fine since not all shorts have the mesh to protect your skin from chaffing.

Best of luck!

Boardshorts were never intended to be used for actual swimming in a pool, and that's why they aren't generally lined.

In the ocean when you surf there can be a lot of problems with chaffing. So they don't put mesh around your package! Plus the water is dark and no one can see anything.

The most comfortable alternative is a "jammer" usually made by Speedo. They are a little tight but no one cares at the pool, you wont be flashing anyone, and they keep water from puffing up the legs of the garment. HTH. :)

It's not fair i'm self conscious about My body as it is?

วันอังคารที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
I play soccer and today we have a pool practice. In general I would not be too happy about this because i don't think i look that great in a swimsuit. Now if it were just my teammates I wouldn't care becuace it's my team but the MENS team is swiming with us as well. When i found this out i almost hypervenalated. How do i get my cofidence up asap and overcome this?

It doesn't help that's that time of the month for me as well.

Quick Fix:

if u don't feel comfortable then tell the coach. I'm sure others won't be as comfortable as well. When I was younger and was def. not a "10" and my brothers would have pool parties with all their friends I would just hurry up and get in the pool because you can't really see much under the water like that.

Long Term:

Work on your confidence. It's not easy but you have to learn to be happy with your body.

showing self insecurity is the biggest way for people to actually notice you. If you are yourself and relaxed and "fit in" and arenot reacting differently from the others, people will not see you as different as the others. I am overweight too and I used to wear a coat even in the summertime (and big oversized shirts). I started just this year to wear appropriate sized clothing and people actually asked if i had lost weight. I started to do it around my close friends first and then gradually I grew more couragous to just go out in public with them and do it and then on my own. It may take time, but dont make yourself stand out, that gives people a reason to pick you out of a crowd, good luck to you!

You're afforded a great degree of freedom when you live your life not caring what other people think. I've found this to be true.

Listen, alot of girls(including myself) have self esteem problems. What I try to do is focus on whats great about my body. I like my hair, my eyes, my lips, and my stomach. Focus on what you like about your body and it will make you more confident. Just remember ever girl has something on their body that they don't like. Just become comfortable with yourself, and everybody else will think your beautiful. Most likely you are very pretty to other people. Alot of girls are probably jealous of you, and when girls are jealous of you then they don't really compliment the way you look. Just hold your head high.

have confidence in urself don't do things u dont want to..

Shave your head, wrap it in gauze and tell the coach you just had neurosurgery!

What do you think of using full body (racing/performance) swimsuits for sun protection? Unisex??

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
I swim at an outdoor pool. During summer I put sunblock on but its a pain to get all of my back, not to mention a lot to wash off afterwards.

I think a good solution would be to use a racing suit, like one that covers the torso and goes down close to the knees.


1. Does anyone do this? Can you recommend a suit?

2. I've seen racing suits (aquablade, fastkin) that look like what I want, but are overkill for this. I wouldn't want to spend the money on one (retail price) and then just use it for training. Ebay is an option, though. What do you think of using one of these, if they can be purchased cheap off ebay?

3. Gender. I've noticed some suits, like the old aquablade kneeskin/high neck/zip back would be ideal for this. As best I can tell, there isn't much difference between mens/womens in these; they look the same to me. Are there any issues w/ using one for the opposite gender assuming it fits?

Have you considered a full-body suit like this:

or this:

The price is more reasonable. I imagine they would add quite a bit of drag, but that isn't such a bad thing for training.

There are slight differences in the male vs female suit, but nothing that would make it not fit. You could use either suit.

I think it is a good idea. Maybe try to find one that is not an aquablade (if possible) b/c you don't need that if you're just swimming laps.

You could also try underarmor, like a surfing shirt that are long sleeved. They are almost like a wetsuit, but a much lighter weight.

Hope that helps!

What type of swimsuit for my body type?

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
I am 5'6" and about 180lbs. I'm not fat - just thick, my weight is distributed evenly so I still have curves but I have big boobs and thighs and a bit of a tummy. I usually wear mens board shorts since they are longer with a tankini but it just looks dumpy. I want a girlier look while remaining comfortable.

1. Wear block colours. Don't go for prints because they will only make ur hips and boobs look bigger.

2. U can either wear a bikini or one piece.

(rules apply to both)

a. bikini. try and wear a bikini that bottoms have a higher cut as opposed to boylegs or something. this will make ur legs look longer and draw attention away from your thighs. ( its also a very girly look). also go for a bandau top with a small detail or someting so that it draws attention away from your boobs. if u follow these rules and u feel confortable in a bikini - thats what i recommend. u wont notice ur stomach.

b. one piece. one again go for block colour and small detail with a higher cut at the legs. if u are worried about your stomach then try a swimsuit with a small belt in the same colour to disguise ur tummy.

3. dont wear boadshorts. unless they are knee level and very loose (highly unfashionable) then they will cut u off at the thighs and make them look even bigger.

4. steer clear of monokinis - they will make ur stomach look bigger because of the cut outs.

5. wear what makes u feel comfrtable. if u dont like my advice dont follow it but i just have to warn you that what i wrote will work wonders.

good luck... hope i helped

NO boyshorts they tend to show the trouble area more.

You NEED a top with support (not just bra lining).

I agree with a skirtini

a cute one piece will show off your curves. pair it with a matching skirt instead of the board shorts. It'll be really comfy and make you feel so cute and girly. i love to have a swim skirt over my suits. :D

you could wear a tankini and bottoms w/ a skit connected, still girly but covers a little more.

A slim fit one-piece would look really nice on your figure =] Anything from Target to Juicy Couture would work fine! Good luck && hope this helps! --OLiViA!

Wearing a one-piece is kind of like wearing a corset. It sucks you in and shapes you a little.

Wear a supportive halter top and a boy-short type bottom.

I think a one piece wuld look cute with board shorts/girl trunks if u dont like ur thighs but u cood wear a bikini im sure it wont look bad=]


tankini, cute and appropriate!

1 Piece.

You ARE fat.

a monokini would look really good on you :) try target or any department stores, they should have some...

what ever makes you feel good!

America only: So just how long and baggy are mens swimpants going to get, while womens suits nearly disappear?

วันเสาร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
I am just curious concerning America's bizarre resentment of any man wearing a sensible swimsuit, while women of all ages, shapes and stages of physical fitness are permitted to wear a wide variety of form fitting swimwear including going roughly 3 square inches or so of complete nudity. Meanwhile, the "fashionable" and only acceptable swimsuit for a man is knee length, or if he is really risque mid-thigh. Baggies are not very comfortable to swim in, less so lounging around in after a swim since they take forever and 3 days to dry. Like to to see all the lame points given.

"America only: So just how long and baggy are mens swimpants going to get, while womens suits nearly disappear?".....

when men pass out from heatstroke..and women sit in crabs.

crazy aint it?

This is a Darwin category waiting to happen. This fad will die out as those guys die off by drowning when they're dragged under by the weight of their long baggy trunks.

wear a speedo if you want shorter swim suits

What do you wear Speedos? That's sick and wrong if you do.

i think there ought to be a law! actually i think women and men should cool it on the skimpy suits. instead of board shorts guys look ok in swim trunks-NO SPEEDOS EVER-and sometimes for gals its better covered then letting it all hang out. can't say if your at home or yard anything goes

I don't like the fact that women's suits are getting smaller but I thank god everyday that Speedos are not popular here. I don't even think that those are sensible.

I don't want to see girls or women in bathing suite that show everything I think it is degrading to women! In the old day a women had to cover more then men did while swimming now men seem to cover more I don't understand it at all! I do not have a that bad looking of a body but even if ! only weight 100 pounds and look fantastic I would not wear one of the swim suites I will stick to a full piece, I do like the short type bottoms to those are cool! And I think guys should be able to go with something less baggy but not to reveling!

I'm not complaining about either. The less pasty white skin you see on guys and the more nice and shapely skin on girls works fine for me.

women have to show off their sexy side and men are there to observe that. besides, all women really want to see from men is their chest, not the flattened shape of their you-know-what.

I don't like the fact that women's swimsuits are showing off practically there whole bodies and that a lot of people think that is how we are suppose to dress. I think the baggy swim pants are a little long.

The little speedo swimsuits on guys look gay

I saw this mens top wear and i dunno what its called?!?

วันศุกร์ที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
i saw a top wear for mens and i don't know what its called. Its sleeveless and tight fitting. the clothing only covers the top part of the body so it shows the abs. its kinda like a swimsuit.

it also was in d.grayman when allen was training in china.

maybe like this

something like this

It's a crop top...I couldn't think of the word...

Wait!..I think I know what your talkin about now..It's like half of a shirt right?..they wore it in the 80s..Gimmie a minute and I'll

find what it's called.

Were do they sell these type of swimsuits?

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Do they sell those type of swimsuits at walmart ive usually only have seen swim (shorts) for men I really want this kind but I dont know were to get one. at walmart? plz help

I like it. Grow up ladies, there is nothing wrong with swim briefs (speedos). They are more comfortable and allow for better tanning for the guys.

any sporting goods store and why would u want 1 the r soo gross

try ***** sporting goods.

seriously. i agree w/ Katie Grace! those r sooooooo gross!

no not at walmart.

I think you either need to go to a sporting goods store or look for some online

try a sporting goods store or online at

NEED mens purple swimsuit HELP ME PLEASE !!!!!!?

วันพุธที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
Where can I buy a mens extra small, ( 26 ) purple swimming suit, i've already tried the following : buckle, american egale, hollister, abercrombie. price is no issue ! help please need 1 for water skiing trip by Thursday any advice on where to buy 1, or pics. please !!!!! thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!

Well i looked, but i cant find a purple one

here are some cool ones though:

you can try zumies too

good luck! (:

Best mens swimsuit clothing?

วันอังคารที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552
since i dnt like taking off my top when i go swimming (due to a skin condition) whats the best clothing (tops) to wear in the water?

Wear a rashguard. They sell them at most sporting goods stores. for cool trunks oneill wetsuit (tops) are great for water.. you know, like surfers?

I usually wear a long sleeved ralph lauren polo rugby shirt

Do you think it is ok for pregnant women to wear 2 peice swimsuits at the beach?

วันเสาร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552
I am going on a trip to Florida April 2, and will be about 25 weeks pregnant at that point. If you have shopped for maternity swimsuits you know it sucks, so i found a cut halter style bikini top (with lots of support) and a pair of mens board shorts to wear at the beach. When i got home my boyfriend wasn't sure it is proper etiquette to show my pregnant belly at the beach or not. What do you think?

I'd wear a shirt over it. I know celebrities show off the belly, or the whole body like Demi Moore, but I don't think you should be so exposed. Personal opinion.

Make sure you wear sunblock and don't get too much sun. (Sorry, I'm being a mom!)


When I had my first child I her due date was at the beginning of September, so I was very pregnant during the summer. I tried and tried to find a good maternity swimsuit but couldn't find anything that fit or was cute. So just bought a bikini with a good underwire top and that worked great. I got lots of compliments on it. I wore a little halter top over it at times especially in the middle of the day for a little more sun protection. But in general my belly was just there for the world to see and people were very complimentary about it.

So if you are comfortable showing your belly then go for it. It is hard enough to find anything that fits during pregnancy, so if you find something that works then wear it.

When I was 26 or 27 weeks we went to puerto rico and I just wore one of my 2 piece bikini's that I had already. Nothing else on me is bigger except my stomach so it didnt look bad. Its whatever your comfortable with! Im almost 38 weeks pregnant now and I still have no stretch marks and I think I look awesome for being pregnant so I would still wear the 2 piece! Its really up to you though hun...Good luck and have fun in Florida!!! Its cold where I am right now lol.

I think it's fine. During both of my pregnancies I wore the same bikini that I do now. I saw no reason to spend extra money on a maternity bathing suit when I had one that would still fit me just fine.

If anyone has a problem with it, they'll just have to get over it. Besides, my husband told me I looked cute when I was pregnant and in my bikini. :)

its not for me, i have seen people do it, and i really dont like the way it looks. in my opinion, if no other time in your life, is the time for modesty. but i would never tell someone else that they cant do it, if that is what they really want, it is just not for me. only my husband, children, and midwife see my pregnant belly in all its glory

I think that if you are proud of your pregnant body - show it off!!! I'm not sure there is such a thing as 'proper etiquette' at a beach... unless you're nude. Look at some of the bathing suits other women wear - little left to the imagination, no? I say go for it hun! Good luck to you - just be sure you wear plenty of sunscreen!!!

I think it's perfectly fine to wear a 2 piece bathing suit durining pregnancy. I am 24 weeks pregnant and I wear one. My husband loves it he thinks pregnant women are quite sexy. I say wear it, even if you have stretch marks, in my opinion those are just honor badges.

I'm 39 weeks pregnant and wore a bikini today. its my body and im proud of my child (i wish she would come out already!!) if people stare or make rude comments that's them being immature. 25 weeks is not big and as long as you're comfortable who cares what other people think.

I wore a 2 piece my first pregnancy at 32 weeks, stretch marks and all, so I vote it's okay. I'll be wearing a 2 piece this time around as well. There's always someone who will look worse in their swimsuit than a cute prego, so I go for it.

Wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. If you feel more comfortable and happier wearing a 2 piece then I don't see why you shouldn't. And your on a beach so why shouldn't you be able to show your pregnant belly. I say wear it.

I think it's just fine, pregnancy is a beautiful thing. Who cares what others think. If you feel comfortable with wearing a two piece swinsuit then you should wear it.

As long as you're comfortable, it's fine. The only reason there aren't many out there is because most women aren't comfortable in bikinis while pregnat or because the people who make them weren't comfortable in them themselves.

If you're comfortable with it, go for it. I've never worn a 2 piece bathing suit in my life, but that's just me. I think it's cute.



Never be ashame to show your belly being pregnant is the most beautiful thing. And always you go as you feel.

Of course it's ok!!! Especially if YOU are comfortable. There is nothing to be ashamed of, and there is no "bad etiquette" in showing your belly!

I think a woman's pregnant belly is beautiful and should be shown off when ever possible!

Of course it is fine! Don't worry about it! If you feel comfortable with it, then it is your body and who cares what everyone else thinks!! Good Luck!! :)

It cute! Wear it! If someone doesn't like it their probably just jealous you look better in a bikini then they do.. Go for it.

Sure why not, its not like people are going to ***** at you for being pregnant.

OMG it's totally fine & CUTE! I'm 35 weeks and would totally sport a 2 piece if we lived anywhere near a beach!

Yes! I think it's cute. I'll do it!

I wouldn't do it, but if someone else is doing it that's her business.

yeah of course its ok to wear it.

I think it's cute and so do many other people only as long as u dont got alot of stretch marks!! So go for it girl!

You will probably not like my answer but, i agree with your b/friend. I for one don't want to see anyone's big belly.

Best place to locate mens one piece swimsuits. fjw75?

วันศุกร์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

They have everything from jammers and recreational suits to the high tech ones they wear in the olympics!

as opposed to two piece :) lol

no seriously have speedo, TYR, kiefer (google search those brand names) send you a catalog

There is an ad for Rockport shoes in the newest Mens Health and SI swimsuit edition where can i find these?

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552
I really want to find these shoes. The ad is to red shoes for men. They are in both Mens Health and SI swimsuit edition i cant even find them on there web site any ideas anyone?

I am trying to find the same thing! I will let you know if any luck, pleas do the same!

What kind of swimsuits do you think look the best/worst on a woman?

วันพุธที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552
Also mens swimsuits- shorts or......."the other"

C'mon now. You know the answer already: it depends on the body, and particularly on its shape, age and size.

anything that makes ***, legs or stomach look like sausauge casing is ugly

thin women - bikini's

healhy women - full swimsuits

Men - no shorts, proper swimsuits

I don't like Bikini as a swimsuit...

I like one peice swimsuit with back on(less body revealing) ...

Bikini is for sun bath or supporting organs etc......

For men I think tight shorts till knee is good....

for women i like bikinis that show off their sexuality (not necessarily the ones that show off the most skin) but i hate the one piece ones because they are just so ugly. for guys i like the shorts because no one wants to see a big hairy nut sack hanging out of some 300 pound man's speedo

Large Bust

The nursing mother has plenty to show up top. Whether you're nursing or just plain busty, you can minimize your overflowing cups with spaghetti straps or wide straps on your swimsuit or bikini. (Though most busty women have already from hard experience that unless you are trying out for a spot on "Baywatch", there are slim pickings for full coverage in the bikini top department).

Busty women can also try a sports top. These tops keep everything in place and add the comfort of full coverage.

Small Bust

Ah! The freedom of the small bust! To give yourself a little boost in this department, try the vast array of padded bikini tops available. If you prefer something with a little more coverage, try suits with a horizontal neckline or bloused top. This will draw attention to your shoulders and give the illusion of a fuller bust.

Long Torso

Shorten a long torso by employing the use of horizontal stripes on a bikini. This will allow the eye to focus on the top and bottom, not the middle. A sports top will also camouflage a long torso by creating a more uniform look.

Short Torso

Surprise, surprise: vertical stripes.

Wide Shoulders

Choose a swimsuit or bikini with a halter top. Thick straps up top help make shoulders look more proportional.

Belly Bulge

Hey sister, nothing to be ashamed of. I'm there myself; it's just not the most fun thing to show off at the beach. Try an empire waist. You will find it draws attention to the bust line and slims the tummy area. Also, choose solid, dark-colored swimsuits for a more streamlined look. Some women like the look of a V neckline as it draws the eyes up towards the bust and the face.

Heavy Hips, Thighs and Backside

Employing a pretty skirt or shorts is a fun way to dress up a swimsuit while hiding heavy hips, thighs and backside. A bloused top also creates proportion and helps minimize the look of heavy legs.

Short Legged

A high cut leg on a swimsuit elongates your glamorous gams. A solid one-piece suit creates an elongating affect on the petite gal and doesn't break up the body (causing the body to look shorter). Stay away from shorts and skirts on the bottom as they tend to make you appear shorter.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while shopping for the perfect beach side apparel:

While trying on suits, notice where you eye is first drawn to on the suit. This will let you evaluate how flattering (or not) it is. You want your eyes to be drawn to your best features.

Accentuate an hourglass figure with a belt or band across the smallest part of your waist.

Choose something comfortable! Take a few steps, stand up, sit down, twist and turn to determine whether or not you will be tugging or pulling at your swimsuit all day.

Swimsuits are a tricky business, but by employing these simple tips, you should have no problem finding something perfect for your body type.

I prefer them wearing their birthday suits... But bikini's work too..

A mono-kini .I mean a swim-suit that is a bikini bottom and top joined together , in some form or fashion . It looks also like a whole-piece swim-suit , with cut-outs. This looks great on any woman , no matter her shape or size ; it hides body faults , flatters the figure , and makes who look good 100% perfect .

a supportive bikini for woman.

I am a girl. I hate thongs. I think they look gross.

I personally wear a full bikini bottom, and generally no top.



A Thong like Swimsuit.............its awsome to see a girl wearing that....

the best for woman is slim mini bikini

Where would I find technical skills on designing and sewing of mens' swimsuits?

วันอังคารที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

search google!!!i guess!!!!

There is an ad for Rockport shoes in the newest Mens Health and SI swimsuit edition where can i find these?

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552
I really want to find these shoes. The ad is to red shoes for men. They are in both Mens Health and SI swimsuit edition i cant even find them on there web site any ideas anyone?

I am trying to find the same thing! I will let you know if any luck, pleas do the same!

What kind of swimsuits do you think look the best/worst on a woman?

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552
Also mens swimsuits- shorts or......."the other"

C'mon now. You know the answer already: it depends on the body, and particularly on its shape, age and size.

anything that makes ***, legs or stomach look like sausauge casing is ugly

thin women - bikini's

healhy women - full swimsuits

Men - no shorts, proper swimsuits

I don't like Bikini as a swimsuit...

I like one peice swimsuit with back on(less body revealing) ...

Bikini is for sun bath or supporting organs etc......

For men I think tight shorts till knee is good....

for women i like bikinis that show off their sexuality (not necessarily the ones that show off the most skin) but i hate the one piece ones because they are just so ugly. for guys i like the shorts because no one wants to see a big hairy nut sack hanging out of some 300 pound man's speedo

Large Bust

The nursing mother has plenty to show up top. Whether you're nursing or just plain busty, you can minimize your overflowing cups with spaghetti straps or wide straps on your swimsuit or bikini. (Though most busty women have already from hard experience that unless you are trying out for a spot on "Baywatch", there are slim pickings for full coverage in the bikini top department).

Busty women can also try a sports top. These tops keep everything in place and add the comfort of full coverage.

Small Bust

Ah! The freedom of the small bust! To give yourself a little boost in this department, try the vast array of padded bikini tops available. If you prefer something with a little more coverage, try suits with a horizontal neckline or bloused top. This will draw attention to your shoulders and give the illusion of a fuller bust.

Long Torso

Shorten a long torso by employing the use of horizontal stripes on a bikini. This will allow the eye to focus on the top and bottom, not the middle. A sports top will also camouflage a long torso by creating a more uniform look.

Short Torso

Surprise, surprise: vertical stripes.

Wide Shoulders

Choose a swimsuit or bikini with a halter top. Thick straps up top help make shoulders look more proportional.

Belly Bulge

Hey sister, nothing to be ashamed of. I'm there myself; it's just not the most fun thing to show off at the beach. Try an empire waist. You will find it draws attention to the bust line and slims the tummy area. Also, choose solid, dark-colored swimsuits for a more streamlined look. Some women like the look of a V neckline as it draws the eyes up towards the bust and the face.

Heavy Hips, Thighs and Backside

Employing a pretty skirt or shorts is a fun way to dress up a swimsuit while hiding heavy hips, thighs and backside. A bloused top also creates proportion and helps minimize the look of heavy legs.

Short Legged

A high cut leg on a swimsuit elongates your glamorous gams. A solid one-piece suit creates an elongating affect on the petite gal and doesn't break up the body (causing the body to look shorter). Stay away from shorts and skirts on the bottom as they tend to make you appear shorter.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while shopping for the perfect beach side apparel:

While trying on suits, notice where you eye is first drawn to on the suit. This will let you evaluate how flattering (or not) it is. You want your eyes to be drawn to your best features.

Accentuate an hourglass figure with a belt or band across the smallest part of your waist.

Choose something comfortable! Take a few steps, stand up, sit down, twist and turn to determine whether or not you will be tugging or pulling at your swimsuit all day.

Swimsuits are a tricky business, but by employing these simple tips, you should have no problem finding something perfect for your body type.

I prefer them wearing their birthday suits... But bikini's work too..

A mono-kini .I mean a swim-suit that is a bikini bottom and top joined together , in some form or fashion . It looks also like a whole-piece swim-suit , with cut-outs. This looks great on any woman , no matter her shape or size ; it hides body faults , flatters the figure , and makes who look good 100% perfect .

a supportive bikini for woman.

I am a girl. I hate thongs. I think they look gross.

I personally wear a full bikini bottom, and generally no top.



A Thong like Swimsuit.............its awsome to see a girl wearing that....

the best for woman is slim mini bikini

Where would I find technical skills on designing and sewing of mens' swimsuits?

วันเสาร์ที่ 21 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

search google!!!i guess!!!!