Do you think it is ok for pregnant women to wear 2 peice swimsuits at the beach?

วันเสาร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552
I am going on a trip to Florida April 2, and will be about 25 weeks pregnant at that point. If you have shopped for maternity swimsuits you know it sucks, so i found a cut halter style bikini top (with lots of support) and a pair of mens board shorts to wear at the beach. When i got home my boyfriend wasn't sure it is proper etiquette to show my pregnant belly at the beach or not. What do you think?

I'd wear a shirt over it. I know celebrities show off the belly, or the whole body like Demi Moore, but I don't think you should be so exposed. Personal opinion.

Make sure you wear sunblock and don't get too much sun. (Sorry, I'm being a mom!)


When I had my first child I her due date was at the beginning of September, so I was very pregnant during the summer. I tried and tried to find a good maternity swimsuit but couldn't find anything that fit or was cute. So just bought a bikini with a good underwire top and that worked great. I got lots of compliments on it. I wore a little halter top over it at times especially in the middle of the day for a little more sun protection. But in general my belly was just there for the world to see and people were very complimentary about it.

So if you are comfortable showing your belly then go for it. It is hard enough to find anything that fits during pregnancy, so if you find something that works then wear it.

When I was 26 or 27 weeks we went to puerto rico and I just wore one of my 2 piece bikini's that I had already. Nothing else on me is bigger except my stomach so it didnt look bad. Its whatever your comfortable with! Im almost 38 weeks pregnant now and I still have no stretch marks and I think I look awesome for being pregnant so I would still wear the 2 piece! Its really up to you though hun...Good luck and have fun in Florida!!! Its cold where I am right now lol.

I think it's fine. During both of my pregnancies I wore the same bikini that I do now. I saw no reason to spend extra money on a maternity bathing suit when I had one that would still fit me just fine.

If anyone has a problem with it, they'll just have to get over it. Besides, my husband told me I looked cute when I was pregnant and in my bikini. :)

its not for me, i have seen people do it, and i really dont like the way it looks. in my opinion, if no other time in your life, is the time for modesty. but i would never tell someone else that they cant do it, if that is what they really want, it is just not for me. only my husband, children, and midwife see my pregnant belly in all its glory

I think that if you are proud of your pregnant body - show it off!!! I'm not sure there is such a thing as 'proper etiquette' at a beach... unless you're nude. Look at some of the bathing suits other women wear - little left to the imagination, no? I say go for it hun! Good luck to you - just be sure you wear plenty of sunscreen!!!

I think it's perfectly fine to wear a 2 piece bathing suit durining pregnancy. I am 24 weeks pregnant and I wear one. My husband loves it he thinks pregnant women are quite sexy. I say wear it, even if you have stretch marks, in my opinion those are just honor badges.

I'm 39 weeks pregnant and wore a bikini today. its my body and im proud of my child (i wish she would come out already!!) if people stare or make rude comments that's them being immature. 25 weeks is not big and as long as you're comfortable who cares what other people think.

I wore a 2 piece my first pregnancy at 32 weeks, stretch marks and all, so I vote it's okay. I'll be wearing a 2 piece this time around as well. There's always someone who will look worse in their swimsuit than a cute prego, so I go for it.

Wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. If you feel more comfortable and happier wearing a 2 piece then I don't see why you shouldn't. And your on a beach so why shouldn't you be able to show your pregnant belly. I say wear it.

I think it's just fine, pregnancy is a beautiful thing. Who cares what others think. If you feel comfortable with wearing a two piece swinsuit then you should wear it.

As long as you're comfortable, it's fine. The only reason there aren't many out there is because most women aren't comfortable in bikinis while pregnat or because the people who make them weren't comfortable in them themselves.

If you're comfortable with it, go for it. I've never worn a 2 piece bathing suit in my life, but that's just me. I think it's cute.



Never be ashame to show your belly being pregnant is the most beautiful thing. And always you go as you feel.

Of course it's ok!!! Especially if YOU are comfortable. There is nothing to be ashamed of, and there is no "bad etiquette" in showing your belly!

I think a woman's pregnant belly is beautiful and should be shown off when ever possible!

Of course it is fine! Don't worry about it! If you feel comfortable with it, then it is your body and who cares what everyone else thinks!! Good Luck!! :)

It cute! Wear it! If someone doesn't like it their probably just jealous you look better in a bikini then they do.. Go for it.

Sure why not, its not like people are going to ***** at you for being pregnant.

OMG it's totally fine & CUTE! I'm 35 weeks and would totally sport a 2 piece if we lived anywhere near a beach!

Yes! I think it's cute. I'll do it!

I wouldn't do it, but if someone else is doing it that's her business.

yeah of course its ok to wear it.

I think it's cute and so do many other people only as long as u dont got alot of stretch marks!! So go for it girl!

You will probably not like my answer but, i agree with your b/friend. I for one don't want to see anyone's big belly.

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