It's not fair i'm self conscious about My body as it is?

วันอังคารที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
I play soccer and today we have a pool practice. In general I would not be too happy about this because i don't think i look that great in a swimsuit. Now if it were just my teammates I wouldn't care becuace it's my team but the MENS team is swiming with us as well. When i found this out i almost hypervenalated. How do i get my cofidence up asap and overcome this?

It doesn't help that's that time of the month for me as well.

Quick Fix:

if u don't feel comfortable then tell the coach. I'm sure others won't be as comfortable as well. When I was younger and was def. not a "10" and my brothers would have pool parties with all their friends I would just hurry up and get in the pool because you can't really see much under the water like that.

Long Term:

Work on your confidence. It's not easy but you have to learn to be happy with your body.

showing self insecurity is the biggest way for people to actually notice you. If you are yourself and relaxed and "fit in" and arenot reacting differently from the others, people will not see you as different as the others. I am overweight too and I used to wear a coat even in the summertime (and big oversized shirts). I started just this year to wear appropriate sized clothing and people actually asked if i had lost weight. I started to do it around my close friends first and then gradually I grew more couragous to just go out in public with them and do it and then on my own. It may take time, but dont make yourself stand out, that gives people a reason to pick you out of a crowd, good luck to you!

You're afforded a great degree of freedom when you live your life not caring what other people think. I've found this to be true.

Listen, alot of girls(including myself) have self esteem problems. What I try to do is focus on whats great about my body. I like my hair, my eyes, my lips, and my stomach. Focus on what you like about your body and it will make you more confident. Just remember ever girl has something on their body that they don't like. Just become comfortable with yourself, and everybody else will think your beautiful. Most likely you are very pretty to other people. Alot of girls are probably jealous of you, and when girls are jealous of you then they don't really compliment the way you look. Just hold your head high.

have confidence in urself don't do things u dont want to..

Shave your head, wrap it in gauze and tell the coach you just had neurosurgery!

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